The spotted Hyena (Crocuta crocuta), also known as the
laughing hyena, is a species of hyena, currently classed as the sole member of
the genus Crocuta, native to sub-Saharan Africa.
The Species is experiencing declines outside of protected
areas due to habitat loss and poaching.
The species may have originated in Asia, and once ranged
throughout Europe for atleast 1Million years until the end of the Late
The spotted Hyena is the largest known member of the
Hyaenidae, and is further physically distinguished from other species by it's
vaguely bear-like build, it's rounded ears, it's less prominent mane, it's
spotted pelt, it's more dual purposed dentition, it's fewer nipples and the
presentece of pseudo-penis in the female.
It is the only mammalian species to lack an external vaginal
The spotted Hyena is the most social of the Carnivora in
that it has the largest group sizes and most complex social behaviour. It's
social organisation is unlike that of any other carnivore, bearing closer
resemblance to that of baboons and macaques with respect to group-size,
hierarchical structure, and frequency of social interaction among both kin and
unrelated group-mates.
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